
No more unwanted pests.

IPC Services are specialists in removal of pests and infestions quickly and efficiently.

We have been doing this for more than 25 years establishing a reputation for speed, reliability and efficiency in West Wales.


Call us today to help you stamp out the problem.

07805 949 075

We guarantee your first visit within 24 hours.



IPC services are pest control experts in the safe, swift, hygienic and humane removal of a variety of pests including the following;

Rats and mice

Rats and mice spread a variety of diseases, many of which are serious and life-threatening.

Both small and large rodent species can themselves be diseased, have droppings that spread disease, contaminate food, or be carriers of fleas and ticks that transmit disease.

A rat and mouse proof house is a safer, healthier family environment.

Our tamper proof rat boxes can be fitted with poison blocks or traps. Tamper proof bait station.

Our tamper proof rat boxes can be fitted with poison blocks or traps.

Rat trail through loft insulation. Rat damage to a shirt.

Rat trail through loft insulation. Rat damage to a shirt.

People not using bins will attract rats and foxes.

We use tamper proof mouse boxes like these, where only the mouse can get to the poison People not using bins will attract rats and foxes.

We use tamper proof mouse boxes like the one above left, where only the mouse can get to the poison.

Mice gnaw on paper to make nesting material. Mouse smear marks and droppings in a kitchen cupboard.

Mice gnaw on paper to make nesting material. They leave smear marks and droppings in a kitchen cupboard.

Mouse smear marks on electric flex. Rats have gnawed on a washing machine hose causing a kitchen to flood.

Mouse smear marks on electric flex. Rats have gnawed on a washing machine hose causing a kitchen to flood.

Rat damage to a washing machine waste water hose. Mouse damage to a book.

Rat damage to a washing machine waste water hose. Mouse damage to a book.

Rat damage to cartons of juice. Rat damage to wheelie bin.

Rat damage to cartons of juice. And more rat damage to wheelie bin.

Rats even eat soap! More soap eaten by rats.

Rats even eat soap!


Moles can cause huge amounts of damage to lawned areas with their unsightly hill and if left unchecked can cause crop damage and spoiling of silage on farmland.

Mole damage to a field. Moles are about 15cm long. They sure can create a lot of damage for such little things.

Moles are about 15cm long. They sure can create a lot of damage for such little things. The above image shows mole damage to a field. Too much of this will ruin the pasture and contaminate silage.

A mole trap about to be placed in a tunnel. A mole caught in a trap.

A mole trap about to be placed in a tunnel. Followed by a mole caught in said trap.


Squirrels can be a problem to the home owner by eating flower and plant bulbs in the garden and causing lots of damage to your house if they gain entry to loft space. They will rip up insulation, strip electrical wiring causing a fire risk and chew through beams plus anything else you have stored in the attic or loft.

Rat and squirrel damage to wheelie bin.

Rat and squirrel damage to wheelie bin.


Wasps can be a danger in and around the house especially during the summer and autumn when they become more aggressive stinging people and pets seemingly at random. Their nests will start in the spring quite small, about golf-ball size with a single queen and can grow very large with many thousands of wasps if left unhindered and with a plentiful supply of food.


Fleas are usually associated with a cat or dog but will bite humans when the host animal isn't around. Although they cannot live off a human it doesn't stop them biting us. They can live without a food source for up to a year and become active when they feel the vibrations when someone walks across a floor. Just treating the cat or dog with something from the vet will not solve the problem.


Always a bit of a problem during the summer months ants are attracted indoors by the scent of sweet, sugary substances. They often nest under the foundations of houses in the same nest year after year. They will swarm two or three times a year when the weather is sufficiently warm enough. They do this to mate on the wing with the males dying off soon afterwards.


There are many different species of cockroach in the world but the main two in Britain are the Oriental and the German cockroach. With the free and easy passage of goods between countries, cities and towns it is easy to get an infestation. If left untreated they can get into plague proportions.

They are brought in manually to houses and shops, it generally being too cold in this country for them to fly and they don't live outdoors.

Bed Bugs

The adult bed bug is about the size of a lady bird but of a flatter appearance. This enables them to live in cracks and crevices and seams of furniture to come out and feed off humans when body heat is detected. Because they are small it is easy to transport them around without realising, taking them into your home or a friends house or place of work.

They can live up to 18 months without feeding and are becoming a big problem in towns and cities across the UK.

Bed bugs on the bottom of a sofa.

Bed bugs on the bottom of a sofa.


Pigeons and gulls become a problem when they start nesting on buildings. The build up of pigeon mess can be quite dangerous as it is slippery when wet and hazardous to breathe in the particles when dry and dusty. Pigeon mess is also corrosive to buildings over time.

Baby pigeons, or squabs, nesting in their own mess.

Baby pigeons, or squabs, nesting in their own mess.

Gulls can be very protective of nesting sites, often dive-bombing passers by.

To help combat bird problems we supply and fit a range of methods to prevent them roosting on your building. These measures include; anti-roosting spikes, gels and netting.

Pigeon spikes on an industrial parapet Inbox 	Pigeon spikes on an industrial parapet. Installing pigeon net to a balcony.

Pigeon spikes on an industrial parapet. Installing pigeon net to a balcony.


Contact us now for a fast response to anything offensive that has to be removed.